Monday, March 06, 2006

Underneath the Cosmetics - McLaren article

Full article here: Underneath the Cosmetics - by Brian McLaren

excerpt below


I'm often asked by pastors, as I was recently, "Should our church adopt a more emergent approach?" Often the assumption is that adding certain forms (candles, incense, a particular style of music) will make a church "emergent." But I want to reply: "What would it profit to gain the cosmetics of an emerging church and lose the deeper opportunity?"

As churches seek reinvigoration, many are finding inspiration from emerging/missional approaches (the plural is important). But many focus on the forms and miss the foundational issues. The deeper opportunity is more than rethinking how church should "look" or be "done." It's the chance to ask what the church is for.


Thanks to Steve at for digging this up.


At 6/25/2006 10:35:00 AM, Blogger SM said...

thanks Sean. I think it's fixed now.

When is MRNA ever going to update their page?

For some reason Blogspot changed my comment settings on me, so I had all these comments waiting for moderation for over two weeks. That's fixed now, too. If you comment, it should publish right away.


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