Determining church structure
This is from a recent class discussion...
"I hear you when you say the process is a means to an end, and that you have no problem tweaking the formal structure according to how well it facilitates the church's purpose. We've taken the same approach, I think, though when talking about process we distinguish between the highly-negotiable specifics of the process and the virtually non-negotiable nature of the process. Meaning that whatever specific organizational model we employ, it must (a) facilitate the purpose (growing life together with God on His terms), and (b) reflect the nature of the God we live with and the nature of life to which He invites us. That means when determining the specifics of how a church community is going to be organized we start with questions about God and Kingdom rather than "what works" or "what do people want." It's a theological foundation rather than a pragmatic one. And the theology we begin with can potentially limit our options for the specifics."
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