Sunday, September 25, 2005

Christianity vs. Life with God together

Two very different people bring messages regarding this painful but unavoidable truth: Christianity as it is known in North America has 'lost the Plot' and is dying fast, mostly because we are very good at replacing God with all kinds of other things.

The first is Isaac, a friend of our friends and a native Ghanaian who is visiting the U.S. right now. He speaks from his own experience regarding the relationship between a dynamic, prayerful relationship with God and God working in tangible, undeniable, manifest Spiritual power in one's life and relationships. The second is George Barna, American Christianity's foremost researcher and statistician.

Isaac shared these thoughts and many more in a talk tonight to students intersted in serving in Africa. He stressed the importance of prayer, fasting, and of relying on God rather than anything else.

"On most [servant's] records could be stamped two words: lacked power."

"God said, 'My house shall be a house of prayer' - but we have made it into a Bible ministry!'"

"Is the written word sufficient in itself? ... Bible study is not an end in itself. It is a means to an end. ... We must know the written word and the Living Word."

"If you rely on education you get what education can do. If you rely on money you get what money can do. If you rely on hard work and effort you get what hard work and effort can do. If you rely on God, you get what God can do."

George Barna and his Barna Group recently underwent a drastic shift in direction and purpose. His research data has led him to the conclusion that Christianity as we know it in North America is both impotent and doomed. He's now deliberately aiming his research to support leaders in emergent expressions of Christianity who are willing to address reality.

New Directions (April 4, 2005)
"To make a long story brief, I hit a point of crisis at the end of 2003. I did not want to stop ministering to the Church; I simply wanted to do something that mattered. Giving information to people whose sole interest seemed to be searching for facts that confirmed what they had already chosen to do, or seeking statistical evidence to support their teaching, was not something that seemed like good stewardship. My passion was to work with ministries to facilitate genuine life transformation. Frustrated, upon the completion of our 2003 seminar tour, I told the Lord I could not continue doing what we had been doing for the past 20 years. ... "

"... we have entered into a strategic partnership with Tyndale House Publishers to launch the BarnaBooks line of publications. Starting in 2005, these branded books will reveal what is happening in the emerging Church – not the postmodern, candles/coffee/couches types of anti-modern ministries, but the Revolutionary ministry that is percolating to the surface of American society through new forms of ministry such as the cyberchurch, house churches, marketplace ministries, and tribal faith experiences. While I will write a few books for the line – the first, Revolution, is scheduled to release in September 2005 – most of the books will be written by the new generation of spiritual leaders who are propelling the Church into the 21st century with an intense passion for God and a commitment to being the Church rather than worrying about protecting the forms and institutions that have been in place. ... "

"There is a major spiritual revolution brewing in our society. God has already begun to do some amazing and unprecedented things in our nation, and it appears that the next twenty years will introduce ministry approaches and spiritual outcomes that are radically different than that which we have been anticipating. It’s an exciting time to be alive and serving God. Stay tuned as we continue to share some of the insights we’re gleaning from our studies regarding the reformation of faith and culture in the U.S. And thanks for allowing my team and me to join with you in serving Jesus."

If you are a church person in North America, you may wish to read up on the following conversation. Barna's research confirms what Asian and African Christians have been telling us for a while now:
A Faith Revolution is Redefining "Church"
The Third Coming of George Barna
Barna's Beefs
Barna Responds to Christianity Today Article
Barna's Message to Baby Boomers


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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Posting from TMB CENTRAL!

We had to leave Baton Rouge to interview with an organization in Tyler, TX and close up shop in Abilene. Then we'll head back to Baton Rouge in the blue van for about a month to continue helping with the shelter and get more involved with the Chinese students. We couldn't pass up the chance to stop by Austin and meet Paul and Lori Byerly "in real life" after knowing them through The Marriage Bed discussion forums.

So tonight we post from TMB Central! - the home of Paul & Lori Byerly and their son John, HQ of The Marriage Bed online ministry, our favourite place on the web. Paul and Lori began this ministry at least 8 years ago, and it now includes the TMB website, TMB discussion forums, The Generous Wife discussion forum, and The Generous Husband and The Generous Wife daily e-mails. We have been blessed by our participation in TMB, and it has been even better to meet the Byerly's in person...even if we did stay up way too late! (=


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